Frequently Asked Questions !!

Got a burning question? No worries, it happens to the best of us. That’s why we've put together a handy list of frequently asked questions. Take a peek, and if you don't spot your answer, feel free to reach out to us using the contact form. We're here to help!

365 Asset Recovery is a reputable company with a track record of successfully recovering surplus funds for our clients. We operate transparently, adhere to all legal guidelines, and prioritize the best interests of our clients throughout the recovery process. Additionally, we’re happy to provide references or answer any questions to reassure you of our legitimacy.

Simply contact us to schedule a consultation. Our team will assess your situation, explain the process, and guide you through the necessary steps to initiate the surplus funds recovery process.

No, there are no upfront fees to start the recovery process with 365 Asset Recovery. Our fees are contingency-based, meaning we only get paid if we successfully recover your funds.

The timeline for surplus funds recovery can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case and the jurisdiction involved. However, we strive to expedite the process and ensure timely disbursement of the recovered funds to our clients.

While it’s possible to pursue surplus funds recovery independently, the process can be complex and time-consuming. Professional assistance from 365 Asset Recovery can streamline the process and increase the likelihood of a successful claim.

We’ll conduct a thorough investigation to determine the amount of surplus funds you may be entitled to. Our team will gather relevant information from public records and notify you of the potential claim amount.

Surplus funds can result from various situations, including foreclosures, tax sales, or overages from property sales, where the sale price exceeds the outstanding debts.

365 Asset Recovery specializes in identifying, locating, and recovering surplus funds on behalf of our clients. We handle the entire process, from initial research to filing necessary paperwork and representing you in legal proceedings if required.

Surplus funds can occur when the sale of a property or asset exceeds the amount owed to creditors, lenders, or other parties involved. If you’re the previous owner, lienholder, or have a legal interest, you may be entitled to these excess funds.

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